
Brooke Gist


Attention all seniors! Congrats, we have made it this far. First semester of our year is over and we only have around 5 more months left at Whitney Young. Such a bittersweet thought but let’s make the most of it. Let’s talk about one of our most exciting events… PROM!


Make sure to start getting those showstopping formal outfits, and dates because June 1st will be here before you know it. Whether you are going with a special someone, a close friend, or a group of people, start making plans now.


If you are planning on promposing (which I highly recommend), start brainstormng ideas now. If you have no idea where to start here are some hints/rules of promposing:


  1. When you embarrass yourself, it’s good. Don’t be afraid to sing your heart out or bust out into dance moves while asking the question. It makes it more fun for the audience watching and it will be something you/ the person you are asking always remember. Jalen Frizell who graduated last year (2017) said, “Go out with a bang! The worst thing the person can say is no and how can they say no if its an amazing a planned ask?”
  2. You don’t need to stress about going with a date! Going with/ promposing to a friend is just as fun.
  3. Talk to the friends of the person you want to ask to find out what they really enjoy to do and bounce ideas off of them so you are more confident about your big ask.
  4. Have fun!!! Prom is suppose to be a fun and memorable time so go with someone who makes you happy and who you smile around. That’s always your best bet.

Picture Credits: Ashanti Andrews Class of 2017