New Ceiling Tiles

Patrick Moran

Patrick Moran

With school getting started, Whitney Young has made some changes. Over the summer there were numerous construction projects being done on the main building. This resulted in the building being closed for the duration of the summer. One of the biggest projects was the new ceiling tile as the old one, in some places, was quite literally falling apart. Colin Moran ‘22,  remarked that, “Yeah, a lot of the old ceilings had weird substances or were broken.” 

(old ceiling)

The issue with this construction is that not many students noticed it as it is a very subtle improvement. Nicky Garcia‘21 said snarkily that, “Nah, they look the same.”  Although the improvements are subtle this really does help the school. Mold and broken ceiling tiles are among some of the things I see most complained about by Whitney Young students.

(new ceiling)

The response expressed by Nicky isn’t the overall feeling I get from the school though. The new ceiling tiles  are noticeably cleaner and of higher quality. A senior at the building, Daniel Modehack 20’, said that “Those new ceilings look fresh as h**l, I’m happy to live asbestos free.” 

Fortunately, there was never any asbestos in the old ceilings. Gratitude is a sentiment  that should be shared as school improvement is very important for a wide range of reasons.