Dolphin Doppelgängers

Edras Montero, Author


Have you ever seen someone in school and they instantly remind you of someone else? Well now the next time that happens you can submit that person and their new found doppelgänger to the brand new show Dolphin Doppelgängers! The first show premiered on on December 6th and will be on DubTV bi weekly, the next show of DubTV if you’re curious is December 20th and that is where you can get your fix of Dolphin Doppelgängers and many more amazing shows like Enrique In The Halls and many more. There’s so much to come out to see on DubTV so instead of copying your homework, be actually productive and keep up with the latest news within Whitney young high school. Senior Zach Cho says, “ I love Dolphin Doppelgängers, I can’t wait to see if they find mine”! Don’t miss out on your chase to be on DubTV watch this week’s upcoming episode to submit your submission. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to tune into DubTV from room 129C!