Decision Day reflects seniors’ future plans


Peter Zajakowski Uhll, Sports and Health Editor

The hallways of WY were extra colorful this past Friday. Colors from all over the spectrum lit up the passing periods as seniors sported the colors of their future schools. The orange of Syracuse, purple of NYU, gold of Notre Dame, and gray of UC Boulder all made appearances in the fantastic mixture of hues.

This day allows the WY seniors to show off which prestigious school they decided to attend the next year, and all of them are very impressive. We got to see all the illustrious institutions that our seniors are going to attend, and the day even allows the seniors to do a little bit of bragging.  

Our seniors look forward to this day all year! “I love decision day! I get to show off how much all of my hard work has done for me!” says Marley Hornewer, ’16. The day lets the seniors learn where all of their friends are going to attend next year, and gives them an opportunity to take some photos with their fellow college-bound classmates. Everyone loves to brag about all of their smart friends.

The seniors aren’t the only ones that enjoy Decision Day. “I’m so proud of them! Everyone is going to such great schools. It motivates me to try harder too, I want to be able to show off a good school on my Decision Day,” says Quinn Gorman ‘17.

Seeing the prestigious colleges of the seniors inspires all of the underclassmen and motivates them to one day rock a colorful college shirt of their own. Overall the Decision Day was a huge success! Everyone looked great in their shirts and the seniors got a really good class photo out of it. (see above)