VS. The Chicken Came First

Nino Lenzini, Staff Reporter

According to his seminal work “On Chickens, Eggs and Salvation” Reverend Beck Hansen, of Oxford University’s School of Theology, simply states that the chicken undoubtedly came before the egg. “When God, in his infinite glory and wisdom, came down from the heavens to create the Earth 6,000 years ago,” Hansen said, “he had a plan. On the first day he created the Earth, on the second day the Heavens, on the third day the plants, on the fourth day the sun and moon, on the fifth day the fish and birds, on the sixth day the land animals and people and finally on the seventh day he rested. NOWHERE in the Bible does it mention him creating eggs.”
However, as Hansen points out, in Genesis 1:21 it does say “And God created great whales, and after their kind, every winged fowl: and God said that it was good.” The words “winged fowl” can in no way be misconstrued as eggs. God himself came down and created the first chickens ever. Unless,, you’re some kind of godless heathen, the facts are all right there.
“People (if you can even call them that) who are so misled as to think that the egg came before the chicken can not be viewed as anything but dangerous,” said Hansen. “If people start defying acts of God, who knows what will happen next. Floods? Towers of Salt? Brimstone raining from the sky? All I’m certain of is that it will be of Biblical proportions.”
Here, Hansen has another brilliant point; questioning the will of God can lead to nothing but unhappiness and purposelessness. Although some may claim that rejecting the idea that the chicken came first is relatively harmless, it can not be viewed anything short of the beginning of pure anarchy. Soon we’ll be living in a world full of golden calves, heretics and deviants of all sorts. In a world where the egg came first, all order ceases to exist.