Lets Put a Cap on the Hat Ban


Billy Roche, Opinions Editor

As you walk through the halls of WY you’ll notice outfits of every sort but one article of clothing you won’t see on any students is a hat. There is a school rule that prohibits wearing hats. Students should be allowed to wear hats in school as a way to self-express and maintain their hair.

The first day of freshman year, Dr. Kenner congregated the freshman in the theater to inform them of school rules and regulations. During this speech she urges that students express themselves as they wish. She told us, “If you want blue hair, dye your hair blue! If you want to wear neon pants, wear neon pants!” But when it comes to placing a piece of cloth on your head, this freedom is stripped away from us.

A hat can be used to complete an outfit, show off team pride or as an easy way to keep long hair out of your face. Being as practical as a hair tie and headband, hats are used for the sheer reason of comfort. Having hair in your face can be a constant distraction throughout the school day and with information being tossed at us left and right, being distracted and missing information can be costly.

People say that a hat “conceals your identity” and that is why they cannot be worn in school. Does putting something over the top three inches of your head honestly make anyone question your identity? If dying your hair is allowed, which changes your natural identity, then why are hats banned? Another reason I have heard as to why hats are banned is because they are disrespectful to wear indoors but our security staff is seen wearing hats indoors all day and they are often the ones enforcing this rule. Is wearing a hat any more disrespectful or more unsightly than sagged pants?

These irrational reasons regarding the ban something as practical as a piece of clothing is illogical and needs to be revised.