College Financial Aid Tips

Jai Primer

Finally, the days of Common app, scholarship applications, and essays are over. We have gotten back all of our college decisions, and now it is time to decide. Whether you are already sure of where you will be next fall, or if you are still having an internal debate about where you want to be, there are a few, financial things you should consider before committing to a college.


First things first, you want to make sure that you and your family can afford whatever college you choose. Make sure you have submitted all required documents in order to qualify for financial aid. This usually includes your FAFSA, CSS profile, and other relevant tax documents. After submitting all of your documents, review your financial aid award with your parents, and discuss how everything will work. The last thing you want to do is end up at a school that you can’t afford, where you are stressed, and don’t have a game plan. Cassi Chung 19’ says “[she has] heard about the stress regarding financial aid and the struggles of not getting enough money, which worries me for next year.” Allie Mitola 18’ said “[she] didn’t know about all of the steps related to financial aid.” Having a discussion about how you are going to be paying for your education can avoid a lot of the stress. If you know that you will need more aid, call the school and tell them the truth. The worst thing they can say is no, and many schools are willing to help as much as they can. Finally, make sure you accept your financial aid award. These simple, easy steps will help streamline the process and eliminate school related stress.

Image courtesy of U.S. Department of Education