Staying organized

Olisa Ausara-Lasaru

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As a student at Whitney young, we all have demanding lives, deadlines we must meet, grades to focus on, and in addition to that, many of us have sports on our plates as well. With all that we have going on, it’s easy to forget about ourselves, and making sure that we still make time to destress and make time for yourself to just relax and do the things that make us happy. Here are some tips to stay on top of your grades, but also live your best life.

One of the big things that makes life feel cluttered and overwhelming is the various demands that we have. When you have a lot going on in your life, it’s easy to forget things and not have time to do them all successfully. A good way to ease all of that stress is by making sure you stay organized. Making to do lists, spacing out time to study throughout the week, and keeping a calendar of events in the next upcoming months can potentially eliminate stress from your day to day life and help you stay on top of everything you have to do. Yocelen Pina, ‘19, offered her advice on staying organized. She says, “Something that helps me stay organized is by making a list of everything that I have to do that week. I write the things that are most important in red, so that I make sure to do those first, next the things that have to get done but are not top priority in orange, and lastly things of the least importance in blue, so that would be like recreational things that I want to do, and extracurriculars. This helps me prioritize my life better and it’s nice to have a visual representation on what your life is going to look like over the next week or two weeks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.” Being a highschool student with a busy life can be stressful, but if you stay organized, things can flow a lot smoother than expected.