Spring Sports Now in Session

Spring Sports Now in Session

Kyra Sobel, Editor

The last week in February and the first week in March is a big time for some of the student athletes here at Whitney Young. It’s time for Spring sports tryouts. Although the cold weather still remains, most Spring sports have been off and running. Girls Soccer, Boys Baseball, Girls Softball, and Boys and Girls Lacrosse have finished up tryouts and have the teams set. Boys Volleyball haven’t started their tryouts due to lack of gym space but will start the week of March 5th. Everyone is excited and anxious for the upcoming seasons, just like Girls Soccer Player, Sophie Putrim’ 18. “We’ve only had a couple practices but those practices make me pumped to start playing games and our first one is so soon anyway.” She also added, “I expect to see everyone at our games!” One way to view all the upcoming games is through the Whitney Young Sports page.  

Many other athletes have that same excitement as Sophie Putrim but this upcoming season is a bittersweet moment for them, like Boys Baseball Player, Dixon O’Banion’ 18. When I asked him what he was most looking forward to this season he said, “I’m super happy Baseball is starting up again because I get to spend time with my boys. But I’m also kind of sad because this will be my last season here at Whitney Young,” he also mentioned how he wasn’t going to try and focus on this being his final season and just play to the best of his abilities. Many other senior athletes feel the same as Dixon but still have one final season to give it their all.

With all these Spring sports coming up everyone has plenty of options to go to all sorts of game and matches. As mentioned before, an easy way to find the schedules for each team is through the Whitney Young Website but if it is not listed on there you can check Maxpreps just by typing in the school name and choosing the sport. To get sports highlights watch DubTV Sports every Wednesday to stay updated.