Boys Hockey: Review of preseason

Brian Carlson, Writer

Boys Hockey: Preseason in review by: Brian Carlson

Preseason in short was rough.  The hockey team went 2-2-1 but lost their most important game to Highland Park 7-1.  First year varsity forward Jack Turken ‘20 had to say this “I think we played scared and just didn’t want it.”  The team also lost to New Trier and tied Loyola but beat Lake Forest and Buffalo Grove Hersey Wheeling.  Captain Johnny Seebeck (Payton) ‘18 said that “we as a team just need to push harder and really buy into the system.  We also can’t play like we’re Freshmen against college seniors.  We need to stiffen up and push ourselves to our limits.”

(Louie Taiber Payton ‘20 Makes a move around a Highland Park defender)


The team is looking to finally win a championship in the top division and possibly win their way into the state championship.  The  Romans start the regular season on October 12 with a crossover game against Deerfield at their rink.  This is 8 seniors’ final season so good luck to them and the rest of the team as they try to build on a fantastic run to the final four last year.