Netflix Guru Strikes Again

Isabel Shanahan

Hey there! Your Netflix Guru is back and ready to give you the latest on what you should be watching on Netflix. I know since the last article you’ve binge-watched all the shows I recommended and are ready for more. here are the top shows that you should be watching right at this very moment.

The first one is one of my new favorites it’s called Atypical. I binge-watched this the other day. It has a great storyline and was funny while still addressing a serious topic. Macy Barnes ‘19 says, “It’s an awesome show that I think does a really good jobs at portraying life with autism.”

I have not watched Black Mirror cause finals are coming up and I’ve heard once you start you can’t stop.  So if you start this show that Keaton Schwartz ‘19 describes as, “A very interesting show that depicts what our future could look like,” make sure it’s after finals.

Another creepy show that I highly recommend is Stranger Things. This strange show 😉 is very well-made and really keeps your heart skipping a beat. Although I personally think the original season is better than the second, both  are amazing and you should start watching right after finals.

This has been another session with your very own Netflix Guru. Until next time, have fun Netflixing!