Isabel Shanahan

DubTv is a crucial part of Whitney Young student’s Wednesdays. With so many exciting segments to watch such as Tasty Terik, Enrique in the Halls, and Silent Library there’s always laughter around the building. Even the hosts and sports host offer information beneficial to the whole school, and information that reflects well upon the students of our great school.

This Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 was filled with great content and a PSA that resonated with many students. For those that don’t know, a PSA is a public service announcement that provides information to the whole school about important issues. This particular PSA was about cleaning up after yourselves and not leaving your trash.  With the catchy slogan “Don’t lose the love of your life, throw away your trash.”

Dirty lunchrooms are a common problem amongst almost every Whitney Young student, yet there are still so many that refuse to use basic manners and throw their trash away. The cast and crew of this PSA hope that their message gets through to their audience and Whitney Young becomes a cleaner place.

“I hate when people leave their trash everywhere, it’s just so disgusting,” reveals Grace Wilkerson ‘20

who was a fan of this .

“It was informative, funny, and creative all at the same time,” said Mearieta Clemente ‘19 who was a fan of the love story aspect of the video.

So next time you think you’re too good to walk five feet to the nearest trash can remember this video.