New Year

Kennedy Higginbottom

New Year Resolutions Idea

New Year: 2017  is coming to an end and the with the New Year starting up some people have high hopes  of making changes. These changes are some hard decision to make. Most people said that the resolution taken in a new year is almost always broken. Resolutions are mainly taken in the new year to give self-confident. But sometimes it has happened that due to future conditions and activities resolution do not succeed at all. If people follow these resolutions properly then it will help their own future life. Sometimes people have to struggle to have a strong path for their future.


Resolutions are mainly decided to create something new or different above themselves and try to do something new. After some period of time, here are some new year resolution tips which will help you start off you New Year.

  • Start saving money
  • Learn a new language
  • Stop being late all the time
  • Get more quality sleep
  • Watch less TV
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Be more grateful
  3. Bring more peace into your life
  4. Become more confident
  5. Improve your concentration and mental skills
  6. Meet new people
  7. Earn more money

Find other tips on pinterest at the link below:

A Whitney Young Senior Cierra McCullough says “ This New Year I will stress less and have more fun.”