Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” Trailer Drops

Joshua Schoonmaker

On November 29th, Marvel Studios dropped its biggest bombshell to date: the Avengers: Infinity War trailer. Obviously, with this being a superhero movie and all, the trailer has garnered a lot of hype and attention, unsurprisingly setting the record for the most views gained in a day (a whopping 230 million), beating out the previous “king,” Stephen King’s It (2017) trailer. The Infinity War trailer  has sat at YouTube’s number one trending video since it’s release, with 59 million views on YouTube as of December 1. With major actors including Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Vin Diesel, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Scarlett Johansson, and a Chris trio (Evans, Pratt, and Hemsworth) movie is on its way to be Marvel’s biggest film since The Avengers.

Image taken from

With a release date set in May of 2018, many fans are disappointed with the wait time, but with about five to six months between the trailer and the release of the movie, there is a lot of time for plot theories and predictions, and for Marvel fans to catch up on movies or characters they are unfamiliar with (including Black Panther, set to release in February of 2018). “I’m calling it right now, at least three characters are dying in this movie. My money is on Hulk, Captain America, and Thor,” wagers Catalina Torres Reyes, ’18. Manuel Carcamo, on the other hand, while excited for the movie, remains concerned that it will “throw in too much material and too many characters in too short of a story.”

However the movie turns out, there is no doubt that millions are excited for the film to release.