“Honest Trailers” Andy Signore Sexual Assault Allegations

Joshua Schoonmaker

With the recent exposure of Harvey Weinstein’s disgusting sexual assaults against multiple women, it is important that the alleged similar crimes of Andy Signore not go unnoticed. Both cases are obviously despicable, and highlighting Signore’s accused crimes is not a way to pull focus away from Weinstein. On the contrary, it is to put the spotlight on the issue of sexual abuse within show business overall.

Andy Signore is the creator of the beloved Honest Trailers series on YouTube, as well as a figurehead for Screen Junkies, a YouTube channel with over 6 million subscribers. Recently, allegations came out against Signore, describing accounts of harassment over text and attempts of assault on a few occasions. While these charges still remain unproven, DEFY Media and Screen Junkies response seems awfully telling of how valid the claims of sexual assault are; shortly after Weinstein was fired from The Weinstein Co., Signore was also fired from his respective companies.

Photo Courtesy of Reddit.com/r/ScreenJunkies

Fans of the beloved Honest Trailers are understandably shaken up, confused, and disappointed. Lauren Stanciel, ‘18, says “I was really surprised when I heard about. When you find something like Honest Trailers on Youtube you don’t really get to see much of the creator, so I didn’t realize that the article was talking about the creator of Honest Trailers. It just goes to show that creating something great doesn’t make you a great person.” While many are glad to see justice served (if the allegations are true), they remain hopeful that Signore’s alleged actions do not dictate the termination of the series. “Only time will tell whether he is guilty or not. I really hope the channel still makes more Honest Trailers though, because even though he might have done so terrible things that doesn’t mean we should let the cool things he created die,” writes Lauren.

At any point in time, whether similar scandals are in the news or not, it is always important to speak up about crimes committed against one’s self, and speak out against crimes hurting others. While Signore’s behavior is disappointing to his fans and followers, justice takes priority over popularity any day, and it is important to let those in positions of power know that they are not above the law or decisions of their employers or coworkers.