Working After School

Yen Lee, Editor

Need money and have a lot spare time?  You’ve probably thought about work, but is it a good idea?  Can you manage working and keep your GPA up at the same time? Senior Alex Iwema ‘18 thinks “work is very hard to keep up with if you do long hours and you definitely lose sleep.”  He’s not wrong!

Work is definitely stressful. Sometimes, you’ll have to work from five to ten at night and by the time you get home and start working on homework, it is almost midnight.  You can almost say goodbye to the weekends and your friends, too, since work times can be random and you can never know what days you work the following week until they post up the schedule.  Work does have its benefits though.  It builds up a resume, counts as a extra school activity for college, and helps you rack up a few bucks for personal use.  You also get a chance to meet new people in the workplace and gather connections.  The experience will help you later when you have interviews or apply for other jobs.  Whether work is worth your time and your GPA is based on you.  Are you ready to handle the stress?
