Top 5 Reasons Why

Owen Speth, Writer

Alright seniors. The year is almost over. Although you may enjoy spending your last few months with your favorite friends and teachers, the end of senior year could not come slower Here are five reasons why you should stick it out.

  • Mr. Fanning will be disappointed if you don’t

Imagine the sad look on Fanning’s face when he finds out that you no longer want to attend Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, especially when there is less than a month left. His whole job is to make sure that the school is comfortable, safe, and productive (and to teach a few english classes)  and leaving would only be an insult to his efforts. Think about Mr. Fanning’s feelings and wait out the rest of the year.

  • Having a high school diploma is important to some people

Trust me, I have say back and thought how unimportant the last semester of high school is so many times. It would be just as easy to skip the last 4 months of school and be just as productive a citizen as if you didn’t. But for some reason a bunch of people want you to have a stupid piece of paper that says you finished high school and believe this piece of paper is important for your success or something. So please, for your own good, just finish the year.

  • Colleges might rescind their admission

For some reason colleges assign importance to finishing high school as well. Maybe they feel it is important that you show you are committed to academics. Or maybe they want to punish you on top of all the money they are forcing you to spend. Only the evil administrations at all the institutions our seniors plan to attend know the real reason.

  • You don’t even have to try that hard

Its obvious that seniors don’t want to do work anymore, especially since there is so little motivation. So instead of doing your homework just finesse that C. Go to your teacher crying about your wifi being down. Cut those first and second period classes. Copy that math homework. Skip that test and take it two weeks later. There are too many opportunities to be a lazy, dishonest student, so don’t pass them up.

  • Prom

I don’t really need to explain this one.

Hopefully I have sold to you the bold notion that finishing high school is a good idea. In the next month, whenever you begin to question why second semester of your senior year exists, or why you got out of bed, just remember this list. I promise it will help.