Unfinished business



chicago_teachers_unionRecently the Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU) were on the verge of a 10-day strike, set to begin October 11th, 2016. According to the Chicago Tribune, this decision to strike was finalized on September 23rd, 2016. And with this decision to strike it was reported that “… about 95 percent of those who voted gave the go-ahead for a strike…”. Throughout that Monday, October 10, 2016, everyone was anxious to see what exactly would happen. Everyone watched the news and saw the members of the CTU getting together their picket signs for the strike. It was then a hectic night for parents, students, and teachers. As the news of the tough negotiations continued between the Board of Education and the CTU, tensions were raised. It was then just before midnight, the Board of Education and the Chicago Teacher’s Union came to a tentative agreement. The news of their tentative agreement became good and bad news for some students and teachers. We went around the school and asked what some of the staff and students felt about a contract settlement.

“I personally feel hurt that the strike did not happen. Because it was so much hype about it since June and I was counting on that week or two to do college stuff.” ~Adanna Byrd ‘17

“Well it is not an issue of whether I agree with it. I think the fact that the bargaining unit found and resolved the contract dispute in a manner that was equitable for both sides. So at the end of the day I think the winners are the students, parents, and the teachers. So ultimately I’m happy that it happened.” ~Coach Tyrone Slaughter  

“I was a little disappointed only because I stayed up til midnight to see if it would happen. But I mean I am glad they got their contract. I think the most important part is that we have the resources and that the teachers get paid.” ~Ivy Weston ‘19

“I am happy that the strike was avoided. However, I believe the new contract does not address some of the main concerns of the Union. There is still work to be done and the relationship that the Union has with the Board needs lots of work.” ~Dr. Deborah Barnes

“I am glad the strike was avoided but there is still issues that need to be addressed. The Chicago Students Union will be working to tackle the issues in more depth. We encourage everybody to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at StudentUnionChi. We will be working to keep the student body informed throughout the year and pursuing exciting initiatives.” ~Chicago Student Union President, George Vassilatos ‘17
