Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review

Nino Lenzini

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been one of the largest cultural milestones in recent memory. Shattering the previous record for box office sales set by James Cameron’s Avatar, this titan of the silver screen has already grossed over 800 million dollars in its first month and been seen by tens of millions of people. It isn’t every year (or even every decade) that we are greeted the Star Wars universe and as such, diehard fans have been foaming at the mouth for what seems like an eternity to see this movie.

Like any well-adjusted human being, I saw Star Wars five times within the first week that it was out. To be fully honest, after eleven hours of intense scrutiny, I still don’t know how I feel about this movie. Sure, the visual effects were amazing and the acting blew the last three episodes out of the water, but something about the movie seemed off. Maybe it was the exhausted story line, only inches away from being a remake of A New Hope. Maybe it was the fact that the plot revolves around a weapon that is just the Death Star but like bigger and stuff (made crystal clear when they whip them out and do a side by side comparison). Or maybe, like oh so many people who grew up watching Star Wars religiously, I came in with too much R2D2-themed baggage.

Ultimately, I decided that I would postpone any judgements on The Force Awakens until the rest of the trilogy (and spinoffs) come out. But as that makes for perhaps the worst movie review of all time, I will say that I think everyone should go out and watch the original trilogy at the very least. These movies are iconic, timeless classics and are still entertaining some forty years after they first debuted in theaters. And for all of you who have seen them, you should go out and see The Force Awakens with an open mind. Even Darth Vader would find your lack of faith disturbing.