Trending Sports injuries

Billy Roche, assistant opinions editor



Baseball: Tommy Johns

Tommy Johns surgery is a ligament in your elbow is replaced by a tendon from elsewhere in your body.

Tips to prevent Tommy Johns surgery:

  • make sure to stretch before playing
  • pitchers should watch their pitch count
  • make sure you have healthy mechanics


Football and hockey: concussions

A concussion is when someone gets hit in the head with enough force to shake the brain inside the skull.

Tips to prevent concussions:

  • wear a mouthguard
  • wear a helmet at all times during play
  • avoid hits to your head


Basketball: knee injuries/ACL tears

An ACL tear is when you overstretch the ACL ligament in your knee

  • stretch before play
  • strengthen all muscles around your knee
  • start training for your sport before the season begins, don’t just jump right into play