9 Yoga Poses To Add To Your E-Learning Routine

By: Kendall West


Fitness and physical health is an important facet of a happy and balanced life. The COVID-19 pandemic already makes it hard enough to get outside, and our Chicago winter doesn’t help. Don’t fret though, in this article I’ll give you 9 yoga poses to diffuse the daily chaos and bring some meaningful movement to your e-learning routine.

  1. Cat to Cow Pose: Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body up and brings flexibility to the spine. It also opens the chest, encouraging the breath to become slow and deep. By stretching the back, torso, and neck, the abdominal muscles are stimulated and strengthened. Coordinating this movement with your breathing can relieve stress, bring energy, and calm the mind.
  2. Supported Headstand: While some of us may be hesitant to attempt a headstand, I assure you this pose can be both fun and beneficial. Assuming a headstand can calm nerves and increase blood flow to the brain (thanks gravity), and unintentionally forces us to focus on our breath. Any time the head is below the heart there is increased blood supply to the brain which can release endorphins (the feel-good chemicals that help reduce stress and anxiety).
  3. Downward Dog: Downward Dog is a transitional and resting pose that targets the hamstrings and calves while helping to strengthen the arms, legs, and back (which is why it can help your back pain). As a mild inversion, it acts in reverse of the usual forces on the spine and brings more blood flow to the brain. Downward Dog might be a pose you’ve heard of before, as it’s extremely common in the practice at all levels, and might be the first pose many ever learn.
  4. Child’s Pose: One of my personal favorites, Child’s Pose is yoga’s most important resting posture. I love this one because it’s a nice way to gently (or deeply) stretch various parts of your body. It’s also a chance to stop what you are doing, reassess your position, reconnect with your breath, and prepare yourself to move forward. 
  5. Pigeon: Pigeon Pose works to open the hip through its forward bend, stretching the thighs, groin, and back. It’s a good antidote to sitting for long periods which is widespread in Western culture in general but further exacerbated by e-learning. It’s amazing for improving overall flexibility.
  6. Bridge Pose: Bridge is great because it can be whatever you need—energizing, rejuvenating, or luxuriously restorative. The Bridge Pose is commonly used to stretch and strengthen the back and abdominal muscles as well as open the lungs and chest. The focused attention used to construct and maintain this bridge can bring a pleasant, increased level of awareness.
  7. Forward Fold: This is often a transition between poses, but it can present many benefits when practiced on its own. Remember, you can be gentle with yourself; you can do the pose with slightly bent knees. Pay attention to the breath here. After a few deep breaths, you’ll begin to feel tension release in the neck, shoulders, spine, and hamstrings. Shake your head yes and no a few times, and for even more release, interlace your hands behind your back and allow your arms to hang overhead.
  8. Eagle Pose: Eagle Pose looks like your stereotypical idea of a crazy, twisted-up-like-a-pretzel yoga pose, but it’s not so difficult if you break it down. It is a balance challenge, but since the limbs are drawn into the body and the bent knees mean that the center of gravity is low, Eagle Pose is less precarious that most poses where you’re standing on one leg. It also works the difficult to access glutes and inner thighs. Additionally, the pose is a great shoulder stretch.
  9. Legs up the Wall: This pose allows you to escape the thinking mind, and calm the nervous system. It is a pose that can be done anywhere, and a great pose to do when you need a few minutes to clear your head. This passive inverted pose helps you melt into the floor as you let go of stress, anxiety, and tension. It’s an excellent choice when you have swollen legs or feet, whether it’s due to heat, extended sitting, or a medical condition.


When stress creeps into your body, surrender to yoga instead, and create a space of serenity for yourself. Your practice doesn’t have to end here either; yoga comes in all different variations and styles, feel free to choose one that works best for you! In these trying times, inhale the good, exhale the bad, and know that relief from stress is only a pose away!