Lose those holiday pounds

Billy Roche, Opinions Editor

Lets face it, at some point you’re going to have to awaken from your food coma and start working off those 10 pounds you added at Thanksgiving dinner. Whenever that moment comes, whether it takes days or weeks, we’ve got you covered. Here are a list of exercises to help shed those calories and feel great.

Bundle up and jog: Enjoy what could be one of the last days our city isn’t covered in snow and go for a run outside. Running will get your heart rate up and help burn calories. (Already snow on the ground? Find a treadmill.) 30 minutes of jogging can burn about 250 calories.

Lace em’ up and go skating: If you know how to skate then all you have to do is find a frozen pond with some of your buds and get skating! Like jogging, skating gets your heart rate up and burns calories. Setting up a game of hockey with your friends is a fun and easy way to exercise.  Playing just 30 minutes of hockey can burn over 500 calories.

Set up a game of football: The running and jostling of a game of football is guaranteed to burn off those calories. Setting up a game of touch football and playing for 30 minutes can burn around 215 calories.

Swimming: If you can get to a pool, and have the nerve to deal with wet hair in the freezing cold, then swimming is a great way to get back in shape. You can burn 350 calories by swimming hard for 30 minutes.