Bundle Up For Winter

Andres Rios

It’s obvious that Chicago winters are unlike any other cities in the U.S. With brutal temperature drops and wind chills that make your bones rattle through your layers. One might raise the question, with our current COVID situation how will that winter change things.

Some people might say not at all. Experts were saying that “It’s believed coronaviruses are seasonal. Their transmission is less efficient in warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels”, yet we had a huge spike in cases. Though that may have just been people’s carelessness and beach days. 

In any case, studies show it might get worse, especially since most restaurants and places have just started doing indoor dining at 25% capacity. With Flu season upon us, everybody might seem to have symptoms, which can lead to a drop in businesses and movement into the next stages without a vaccine. 

Here’s what a few of our schoolmates have to say about this winter:


“Well, the best-case scenario is that the pandemic subsides and that a vaccine is developed soon. Then, by winter, we might be able to return to our daily routines. Unfortunately, watching the news makes it clear that’s very unlikely. I  hope everyone’s getting comfortable with remote learning because we’re probably going to be doing it for a long time.” -Adanma Adebayo-kay (Sophomore) ‘23


“ I think the amount of COVID 19 cases might subside a little this winter. With the preventative measures that we’ll be taking, that we weren’t in winter 2019-2020, such as social distancing, wearing masks, and remote learning. Personally, I hope people finally work together to stop the spread of corona so that we may return to normalcy sometime in the future.”-Lu Diosdado (Junior)’22


“Oh, oh. I think winter comes with its own dangers because it’s the time of year people get colds and other illnesses like that. Although it will be nice not to have to make the trip to school in 30° weather or in the snow. For me personally, my birthday is in December so I get to join the club of people who had zoom birthdays.”- Joseph Nelson Junior) ‘22

Doctors have been claiming that they will be taking measures to distribute flu shots as usual so we can prevent this, but winter might take a big toll still. Here at the Beacon, we recommend:

  • Not getting sick
  • Bundling Up/wearing layers
  • Try to stay indoors
  • Talk with your doctor about safely receiving your flu-shot
  • Stay Safe 🙂