School shooting in Santa Clarita high school results in two children dead

Nikel Martinez

Saugus High School in Santa Clarita left a trail of tragedy on Thursday, November 14, 2019 after a 16-year old student, Nathaniel Tennosuke Berhow, shot at students in the educational facility. Gracie Muehlberger, 15, and Dominic Blackwell, 14,were killed. Three other students with injuries are expected to survive. The incident occurred on Tennosuke’s birthday, with his motives still unclear as the investigations still continue. They do believe that this attack was planned, however, as Tennosuke saved the last bullet to shoot himself. He died on November 15, 2019 from self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Tennosuke is said to have acquired the weapon from six weapons at home that belonged to his deceased father. 

Whitney Young Students have shared their thoughts on the recent tragedy. Gayun, ‘20, said “it’s really scary to think that attacks like these could happen in a place that’s supposed to be safe and dedicated to your growth as a person. Zadrian, ‘21, also shared his dismay; “It’s sad, I can’t even begin to imagine how devastated all the families are. It says a lot about the gun laws we have in our country. It’s absurd to think of the amount of young lives lost to events like these.” Gabriel, ‘20, considered the more psychological aspect of the situation; “we obviously can’t blame things like these on a single thing. I truly do believe that there are more mental aspects to how this happens. It makes you think about social life in high school, mental issues, depression, bullying, so many kids are not okay.” The recent tragedy is part of 44 school shootings that have occurred so far this year in the United States.