Trump Repeals Clean Water Regulation

Jane McPheron


Under the Trump administration, the environment continues to take many hits. Trump repealed significant clean water regulations on Thursday, September 12th. These regulations were brought up during the Obama-era administration to prevent the pollution of water sources by limiting dangerous substances near bodies of water. Many students at Whitney Young are distressed by this. “Honestly, it is ridiculous,” said Tyler Tharpe ‘23. 

The measure being cancelled is the Waters of the United States rule. This rule, put into place in 2015, was controversial and aroused complaints and petitions from over 30 states. The removal of it is one of many major hits Trump has made in his attack on the environment. Trump claimed that these regulations hurt the rights of real-estate developers, farmers, and other people who own land. Due to Trump’s decision to roll back regulations, the federal government has less oversight over the amount of chemicals put into or near certain waterways. 

“I feel as though that was a very poorly thought out plan,” commented Elvis Olivares ‘21. The Trump administration will review and decide which waterways are deserving federal protection and which ones will be cut from it. 

“This is why we are striking. The actions Trump makes will have an affect on all of us as a country, especially the youth,” said Olivia Witulski ‘20. Concern grows among Whitney Young students as Trump’s complete disregard for the health of the environment threatens the future of our planet.