

Jonathan Perez, Writer

Thanksgiving is 9 months away, and if you’re anything like me you probably don’t know exactly what you’re doing, yet. However if that is you, then you came to the right place. You’re probably tired of sitting at the table listening to your parents and uncles go on an on about god knows what. Tired of your little cousins running around driving you crazy. And most of all, tired of the same holiday activities that your family call, tradition. Here you will find new activities to incorporate, hopefully, to your thanksgiving. After interviewing students at whitney young we came up with new ideas for this holiday and we got to see how people feel about the underappreciated holiday that is Thanksgiving. When asked how he felt about thanksgiving, Alex Espino ‘20 responded, “personally, I really like thanksgiving. I don’t understand why it’s so belittled by christmas.” and Andres Garcia ‘20 said, “I can’t wait for thanksgiving! And the break!” So there you have it folks, people that actually appreciate thanksgiving. After asking Isaac Acosta ‘19 what he was doing for the holidays he revealed a fun activity as he said, “I’m going to have a family/friends football game!” After hearing that I couldn’t resist but to ask if I could join in, i’m going, you guys should too!