Allyson Ratliff


Nyla David

Allyson Ratliff is my prominent figure for Black History Month. Allyson is my former ballet teacher when I danced at Hyde Park School of Dance. I started dancing at Hyde Park when I was 3 years old and I stopped dancing when I was 13. Ever since I first started dancing I took Allyson’s classes because she always pushed me to work hard but also always took care of me and made me feel so talented. She reminded me of my mom pretty much, she was definitely like my second mother. Without her I definitely wouldn’t have made it into GND my 7th grade year like I did. Allyson’s ballet classes taught me discipline, strength, and TECHNIQUE. Technique was a huge factor at HPSD when I attended and even though they never taught flexibility, I always knew my technique was something that I could count on.

    When I was 9 I casted as the first black Clara in the Nutcracker at Hyde Park School of Dance. She was the person that advocated for me in front of the other artistic directors because she really believed in me and my talents. She formed me into of the greatest Clara’s that The Nutcracker had ever seen and also got me into the Hyde Park Herald Newspaper. I am forever grateful for her believing in me when I didn’t even believe in myself.