Newer Isn’t Always Better

Lajada Douglas, Editor


How can this DubTV editor put it In layman’s terms?  The Snapchat update is terrible! Why are the stories and the chats on the same page? Why is the discover page people you thought you were mutuals with? Guess you don’t have as many friends as you thought. As the views of your story go down (Dang your crush didn’t see that story), the controversy goes up.  

In February, more than one million people signed a Twitter petition to go back to the good old days. Hopefully, back to when you can see other people’s “Best Friends”.

The update is nothing to kill your streak over, “I really didn’t like it at first but then I got used to it.” says Angel Silva ‘18. Just like when Twitter switched the “Favorite” button for a “Like”.  People have managed to find bright spots with the apps frivolous five million dollar update, “I like it because the stories are separate like regular people and celebrities.” Fernanda Arios ‘19 speaks up. The cup is half full for some people apparently. But the dissenters are still the majority, like young Alexis Duran ‘19, “ Oh I hate it, It’s very complicated and hard to adjust, just ughh.” Yes, “ughh” to you Snapchat. We’ll be warily awaiting the next update.