Senior Luncheon Excitement

Moriah Johnson

The year is winding down for the seniors here at Whitney Young. As of (list date) We have 73 days of school left until graduation and about 9 more weeks of actual class time. On the horizon we have Grad Night, Prom, Graduation, and on Tuesday, April 10th, we have luncheon coming up. Luncheon is on the Navy Pier Boat, Spirit of Chicago, from 2pm – 4:30 pm. On the boat we’ll have food, a dj, and take lots of pictures because this is one of the last activities that we will be doing together as a class. Jake Kosakowski ‘18 is excitedly says, “I’m ready for luncheon! I will look so smooth. Just wait.” Some people are more excited to show off their luncheon outfits, but others are just looking for a break from school and spend time with their friends as Sierra Orr ‘18 highlights, “I can’t wait to take pictures with everyone. It’s bittersweet because this year is coming to a close.” She is right; this year is coming to a close, so we have to make the most of the time we have left, spending it with people we care about and will miss next year, just having fun. Most Seniors are excited about luncheon, however, some think it is a “waste of time,” as Jairus Silman ‘18 puts it, but everyone else is excited to have this be one of the last memories we have together as a class.