The Weekend? How relatable is the CRTL song that has recently gone platinum?

Destiny Mallory, Editor


SZA recently expressed her gratitude through a tweet for her song “The Weekend” going platinum. She was surprised because the song “wasn’t even a single.” So the question arises: how many people who listen to the song can actually relate?

The premise of the song is basically that the man that SZA is involved with has a girlfriend, and she spends time with him on the weekends. SZA doesn’t care what he does any other time as long as he sees her when he can. She is the side chick of this man, and she knows it.

When asked if they would ever be a side chick, most of the female population of Whitney Young answered “no.” For the one that didn’t, the reasoning is the most interesting part. An anonymous student, who has chosen to keep their identity hidden, explained that “if you are a side chick, and you don’t know his girlfriend, you aren’t really at fault. The boy is going to be the one at fault. He’s most likely going to do it with someone else, so why not me?” After hearing this explanation, some girls agreed and were less confident in their original answer.

From this, a new question came to mind. Girls were asked if they would prefer to be a side chick or to take someone’s man. They were more susceptible to the idea of taking someone’s man, because it doesn’t require him to cheat. “If you’re a side chick, the relationship is still going on, while if you take her man, he is now yours.” In the later, you don’t have to worry about being secretive or waiting until the weekend as the song states.

Hopefully none of you never have to be in this situation, but if you’re singing along and realize this sounds like an experience you’ve had, you may want to do something about it sis!