Club Spotlight: Red Cross Club

Lucas Conrad

Quietly, out of the spotlight and away from much attention, a group of Whitney Young students have been meticulously saving lives for the past two years.  No, these students are not lifeguards or superheroes, they are members of the American Red Cross Club.  This club, led by seniors Violet O’Neill, Sarah Sheehan, and Daniella Rafaeli, organizes and operates two blood drives a year.  These blood drives take place in Gym C at Whitney Young, and feature Red Cross workers that help facilitate the process.  O’Neill, ‘17, reports, “The past several blood drives have been very successful.  We have collected a lot of blood that will go towards helping those in need, and I am grateful that my fellow students are so kind and giving, helping out to donate their blood at each opportunity we provide.”  Indeed, there have been large turnouts for each blood drive, and Whitney Young students are eager to help.  Jack Fahey, ‘18, says, “I have been to a few of the blood drives.  They are always set up well and run very smoothly.  Giving blood isn’t difficult but it makes a big difference.”   To everyone who helped donate and gave some of their time, the club also wishes to say thank you, and hopes for even more success in the future.