5 reasons why you should help someone

Kevaughn Chappell, Staff Writer

Helping someone else is probably one of the greatest things one can do as a human. Help can be anything from positive words of encouragement to a few dollars so I believe we should all give it a try and at least help someone else once a day and here’s 5 reasons why.


  1. Karma- Karma isn’t always bad. There is good karma and the easiest way to get some is to help another person out. Remember, “what goes around also comes around” so if you see that homeless guy or someone who’s doing a bit worse than you, check your pockets. Maybe you have some change you don’t really need at the time or a snack. Give it to the less fortunate person and watch how it comes around and before you know it, you have 10 extra dollars or even a McDonald’s gift card.
  2. Easy- Helping someone isn’t an AP test. It’s hard. The small things help too. A simple “hey” or just lending an ear to someone can go a long way for someone. Sometimes people just want to be acknowledged or a shoulder to lean on.
  3. The Feeling- I guarantee you that after helping someone your spirits will always be boosted. Why wouldn’t they be? You’ve just helped out another human being. Their life is a little bit easier than it was before because of a generous act committed by you.
  4. It lasts- Once you’ve helped someone, it’s out there. No one can take your act of kindness away and the person you’ve helped won’t forget the act. They might forget your name, but 9 times out of 10 they won’t forget the act. Even if you and the person you helped forget, guess what? You still helped and that’s more positivity in the world.
  5. Positivity- There’s too many negative things going on in the world so I think wanting to add a little bit of positivity isn’t a crime. We should balance our positives with our negatives if we’re not gonna completely outnumber them.

There’s 5 reasons why you should help someone out at least once a day. I promise you help is the only thing that gets some people through this crew world so why not help? If you were in a situation where you couldn’t really be without help, I’m sure you’d appreciate a little.