The Countdown to Winter Break: T minus 7 Days

Originally Written 12/14/16

 For every student, starting the school year is rough. Each week is filled with the need for a day off. Through September and October, there are two early dismissal schedules and a three day weekend, thanks to Columbus Day. However, November, commonly referred to as “no school November” by students, is the highlight of every fall due to the fact there is typically only one full week of classes. Fresh off the excitement of Halloween, the following few weeks consist of a three, four, and five day weekend.


Sadly, after the pleasure of two and three day work weeks, students are faced with the grueling four weeks of absolutely no days off until winter break. For the 2016-2017 school year, winter break begins the minute school ends, the day before Christmas Eve. With winter break set so close to the holiday, it seems a day off is never close enough.


The break drought has been affecting our Dolphins in various ways. Patrice Wilkerson ‘20 states, “it’s an absolute tragedy that there are no days off for four weeks straight. I’m struggling to get through each week alive.” Some students don’t view this as a drought, but as business as usual for the transition between fall and winter. Kellie Erenberg ‘18 adds, “the weeks have gone by so quickly. I think we can handle one more. There are only 11 days ‘til Christmas. There was even a Third Thursday!” While it is certain that when initially approaching the dreaded four weeks, students felt as though going this long without a break should be outlawed – the fight is almost over! Calice Robins ‘17 shares, “I am very excited for this break. After six years at Whitney Young, I am elated to bring in 2017 and get closer to graduation.”  


Though winter break is quickly approaching, the school year is still just getting started. Soon the countdown to spring break and summer vacation will begin. Until then, both students and teachers can enjoy the two week holiday bliss from December 24 through January 8.
Happy Holiday Season!