Burning Up, Burning Out: September, 2015

William Roche, Opinions Editor

Burning up:

Birkenstocks- They’re open, breezy, and fashionable.

Adidas- Adidas sweatpants and shoes are flying off the shelves.

Sweater Weather- It’s finally time!

GOP Debates- Trump! Trump! Trump!

Jersey Thursday- Every Thursday sport your favorite jersey.

WY Football- They’re tearing it up this season.

wybeaconnews.org- It contains the most riveting news on the web.

Hacky Sack- Kick around a hacky sack with your friends.

The Dab- Learn it fools.

Burning out:

White Pants- It’s after Labor Day, people.

Chicago Bears- We are still unimpressed by Cutler’s performance.

The Whip- It’s time to hit the dab.

Bright Colors- People are sticking to neutral tones.

Miley Cyrus- After her weak performance at the VMA’s, no one cares.

Sam Smith- He didn’t stay with me.

Uggs- New brands have been stomping through.

Keep Calm Shirts- We are getting pretty wild.