How to Start Your Mornings at Home

Ellie Barczak

The feeling you get when your alarm blares in the morning really sucks. You are sucked out of your amazing dream and deep sleep and forced to get up and turn on your computer. I know it’s hard for me to feel awake at 8 a.m. sharp, especially since the schedule changed. If you want to wake up and feel energized for school, keep reading! I am going to give you 5 tips on how to help your body and mind wake up in the morning!

1. Don’t check your phone right away!

Checking your phone might be entertaining, but you might have a better start if you think about something you are grateful for or something you are excited to do that day.

2. Stand up and Stretch your arms legs and back 

Getting your body moving early in the morning wakes you up; you are going to be sitting for the next couple hours so get up now! 

3. Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up.

Water will make you feel energized and instantly remind you to stay hydrated for the rest of the day. 

A freshmen at Whitney believes water does help her start her day, “Waking up and drinking water right away helps me to keep drinking water throughout the rest of the day.”- Claudia Ouimet ‘24

4. Play music to get ready 

Jamming out to your favorite music can help your mood and feel awake in order to start your day at home.

Lauren Skiba ‘22 plays music every morning, “I am a dancer, so music in the morning really helps me to get moving and be engaged right away.”

A Spotify wake up playlist

5. Make your bed 

I don’t always make my bed in the morning, but when I do I definitely feel more productive and have at least one thing to be proud of myself for, lol. 

Kendall West, ’21, makes his bed every single morning, he commented that he was obsessed with making his bed, “Making my bed always makes my space have better flow and it is the first productive thing I do, which makes me feel good and ready to work.”


I hope these tips will help you stay motivated during online school this year. I know it is hard to get up in the morning, but we can do it!