The Boys Are Back!!!

Joselyn Chavez

The Whitney Young Softball team is back and better than ever! For some of the students the softball team allows for another outlet to express themselves. It allows for others students to put their time and energy into another sport and be part of a team while waiting for baseball season. Isabella Torres-Reyes, ‘22 and hopefully a future member of the softball team, really enjoys the atmosphere. She describes, “I love softball. The tam seems like a family who is open to newcomers. They treat you like equals, from freshman to seniors, anyone is welcome to learn and play. I can’t wait to tryout.”

If you didn’t catch the last game don’t worry because you can catch the next one! There is one more game for the boys before the big playoffs against Farragut High School on Monday, September 24, 2018. The actual playoffs would be on Monday, October 1, 2018. When asked about how Adam Surma, ‘19 a member of the softball team, predicts how the playoffs will pan, “The entire team is really excited for playoffs and we have all worked really hard for this. We plan to crush the other team at playoffs because we really want this.” We wish Surma and his whole team all the luck possible at playoffs but besides that they also need our support on the sidelines! Make sure to be a part of the Whitney Young community and make it to one of the following playoff games that are scheduled for this month and see the spectacular Whitney Young softball team in action.