Netflix Flexin

Isabel Shanahan

I’m back (in creepy voice), don’t worry I’m not here to terrorize you I’m here to tell you what to watch that will terrorize you.

Since this is the new semester, it’s time for a new Netflix Guru. In the past, all the shows I’ve been telling you to watch have been uplifting and funny, but  today we’re looking into the dark and dreary.

The gold medal goes to Netflix original movie (I’m basically one big Netflix ad) called The Babysitter. This film gets your blood pumping, feeling reminiscent of Home Alone with a dark twist. Everyone knows the classic movie with the cute kid protecting his house from a couple of foolish thieves. The Babysitter’s protagonist does that by blowing someone up and crashing a car into the side of the house. Macy Barnes ‘19 asks, “is that the the Babysitter Vampire show?” No, no it’s not, that one is designed to give kids a fright. This one is for the not-scared-of-anything teenagers.



Receiving the silver medal is Criminal Minds. This twisted show isn’t for everyone because although  it is not as scary as a horror movie, it is based on real life serial killers. This show is good but has made me very suspicious of everyone around me. Carolina Villanueva ‘18 says it best, “Criminal Minds is insightful and suspenseful never knowing who the Unsub is.” 


Coming in last but certainly not least is American Horror Story. This show has become the craze of teenagers nationwide. This sensation has lived up to its name.

Until next time stay Netflix flexin.