AMERICAN LIES (Personal Article)

Bruce Wilson

Sad to say the history that we have come to know today, is a lie. Not a complete lie however, it is just apocryphal. The discovery of history or shall I say the rediscovery of history is much more complex than the average person realizes. I will be guiding you through a brief essay on the history of the world before the world was what we knew it as today. Yes, going back to even before 1492. Image result for american lies

Europe leading to 1492 was already known for its great trading with kingdoms and nations around the world. That extensive trading came to a halt for a while however when their trading center was conquered. When the Turks took over Constantinople it was probably the most drastic thing to happen Europe. The major trading port and middle man to Europe and Asia had been occupied. It was so drastic because, Europe had been dependent on Asia for so many goods and spices that kept their economy going. Another reason that the occupience of Constantinople was so drastic was because Europe had been going through a time of lessening natural resources and an unbalanced economic and social structure. Europe had too many poor people and not enough food or shared wealth. Only the top 2% really made any profit from trading with Asia and they of course were the most upset. That same top 2% was also in disgust because the spices, silks, teas, cotton and other luxury items that they craved only came from Asia during this time. So Europe done what any other kingdom would have done; search for a new route to Asia. So wealthy landowners, merchants, distinct leaders, some risky upperclassmen and even the crown of Europe invested in ships and men to go and find a new and hopefully quicker route to Asia. The men that were sent on the journey however, were not the people investing in the project. It was the bottom 95% of the population. The farmers, the homeless, the criminals, and the poor people of Europe were sent. The European conquest of overseas lands were funded by the same people who invested in finding a new route to Asia. The “average” people of Europe were unaware or too poor to participate in the conquest.

A common misconception is that Africa is an inferior continent and always has been; that’s not the case however, Africa shows numerous similarities with European kingdoms. Just like European kingdoms African kingdoms had great cities , distinct and diverse cultures and major trade with foreigners. In fact prior to 1500 Africa was abundant with a great variety of kingdoms. There were the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Hausa and Kanem Borno. They all served as major trading capitals and urban centers for people. Each connected by numerous trade routes through the Sahara desert. The most important trading center was Timbuktu, located in the kingdom of Mali. TImbuktu was a university town and major trade center. By 1000 A.D. Islam controlled all of North Africa and after 1000 A.D. commerce in the area dramatically increased. It was not until the 14th century one of the most powerful kingdoms of Africa came to rise, Benin. The kingdom of Benin often did business with the Portuguese and Dutch. Europeans doing business with Benin led the way for a start of slave trade. The unnatural commerce the Europeans started with Benin led to destruction in the social and economic framework of Benin. Meanwhile in the east coast of Africa there were other powerful urban civilizations. They were exporting gold, skins and ivory from Africa to Arabia and India. They also traded with China, Persia, Arabia and India.

The Americas before explored by Europeans was an entirely different complex culture that differed from Europe and was varied on the American continent. Europeans then would look at Native American culture as inferior and primitive. A slower developing, less functioning people. Native Americans before 1492 had no metal work, gunpowder, written language, domesticated animals, nor had they invented the wheel. The fact that they didn’t posses these things didn’t make them lesser of a people however. Native Americans had no use for the technology and such things Europeans had that made them call themselves “superior”. Native Americans did on the other hand have diverse and rich farming, complex social and political structures, and widespread trade networks. Native Americans as far as we know were organized by tribes and their culture was dominated by natural resources in their land. Native Americans even had class systems in their culture, although not as harsh as in Europe. Wealth was more distributed and women played a huge role in the culture. Native American rulers stayed in the same bloodline however.   

What discovery ultimately meant for all aspects of the world is being interconnected. Connected through profit, greed, convenience, information, language, goods, and everything else. Discovery in this case means putting another part in your circle.