Top 5 Reasons To Own A Dog

Top 5 Reasons To Own A Dog

Jonnathan Cuji

  1. Loyal, protective, and always happy to see their owners, dogs have been human companions for more than 18,000 years, making them one of the first domesticated animals in history. Scientists have proof that dogs make people laugh more often than cats, keep people more active than the average human companion, and even reduce their owner’s chances of depression. But if one needs a little more convincing, here are the cold, hard facts for why you owning a pet is one of the best decisions to make.

1.They are extremely loyal

Dogs’ domesticated history stretches back to their evolution from wolves, who are known for living in packs and developing strong bonds between pack members. It’s from this pack behavior that makes today’s dogs so loyal. Stephen Zawistowski, a science adviser at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, explains that dogs see their human owners as fellow members of their pack and, therefore, form the same close bond with their owners as they would with their canine brothers and sisters.

2.Dog’s increase their owner’s mood dramatically!

Spending just 15-30 minutes with their dogs can help owners feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness according to Playing with a pup increases the brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. So all in all, dogs can actually better the mental health of their owners.

3.Dogs can help increase your social interactions.

Yes, not only do dogs need care and playtime with their humans, but they need time to socialize with other pups as well. This means that their owners will have a chance to socialize while they oversee the puppy playdates. People with pups know that even going on a walk in the neighborhood can bring many friends and start many conversations.

4.There is never a dull or boring moment.

At one point in their lives, everyone has been sitting at home wondering what to do that day, but with a dog there will always be something to do. Whether that be taking a trip to the park, training, playing, running, or just watching them chew a toy, it’s all fun, for both the dog and the owners.

5.Simply put, they are a human’s best friend.

Because of their heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing, dogs are extremely intelligent creatures with a loyalty to their humans that is unexpectedly strong, as explained previously. Those with dogs will know–your pups can sense human body language, emotions, and feelings, and this paves the way for an unbreakable bond.

The responsibility, patience, selflessness, and commitment that comes with having a dog makes their owners all-around better people. The dog-human relationship is a two-way street. “Who rescued whom?”  it’s an interesting question, and it’s certainly something to consider. Dogs have proven that they improve the physical and mental health of their owners, as well as the health of those around them.