
Adelle Wade

The photo-sharing media site Pinterest explains itself better than anyone else, noting “Pinterest is the world’s catalog of ideas. Find and save recipes, parenting hacks, style inspiration and other ideas to try.” People most broadly use Pinterest as a search engine. It’s free to sign up for and free to download the app which is accessible to apple products, androids, etc.   On Pinterest, a user can search for whatever they’re looking for and then create a board themed on whatever you like. So, the site can be used either to store and bookmark your favorite things or to create an inspiration board towards a project you might be making.

On Pinterest, users can pin any site they want which are displayed by a picture on the site. Other than just pinning the things you like, you can create a profile, follow others, create boards, discover, and connect with other forms of social media. The App has become very popular, surpassing the projected amount of users and soaring over one million monthly active users.

Some use the app for business, too, connecting their Pinterest to their products. On -Hootsuite, statistics about the growth of Pinterest tell that in shopping and business, “87 percent of users cite Pinterest as the reason for buying a certain product. Not only that, but 93 percent of Pinners have used the site to plan for a future purchase.”

Pinterest can be addicting at times, as it can become a black hole to finding more and more things you like: interesting sites and pictures for assignments and inspiration.  Reviewer Sarah Long says, “Pinterest has also helped me find the perfect dress to wear to a fall wedding, decorate my home in the ever-so-trendy farmhouse style popularized by Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper, and even taught me new graphic design skills to make me more valuable at work.”  In addition, a traveling student from Norway, Estelle Allaire, who visited Whitney Young with her class, tells us “I usually use Pinterest for food recipes, outfits, and generally just pictures. Before, a lot of people I know used it but now a lot less do.”

All in all, Pinterest proves to be a helpful and creative app for students, parents, crafters, and anybody else looking for inspiration or a DIY.