Prom Do’s and Don’t’s

Prom is only two months away. As the date creeps closer, students are finalizing their plans for prom, deciding what they will wear, and imagining the overall experience.  However, there are too many ways that it could all go wrong.  This list of do’s and don’ts has been put together for you to have the most successful prom ever.

DO NOT make plans for afterwards.

You’re friends might try to get you to go to a party but you should know better than that. You are going to be way beyond tired and nobody will even want to stay up. Keep the night short and sweet.

DO have your mom or dad pick you up afterwards.

They’re going to want to know every detail about what you and your date were up to! Also, a train ride in a big dress might cause a scene.

DO bring an older date.

With this you can show off how mature you are and introduce him/her to all of your friends. We advocate that you bring a date in his mid 40s, just not anyone who still lives with their mom. Adults love to relive high school once in awhile.

DO NOT take any pictures.  

Learn how to escape the flash of a camera and beforehand. You’re not going to want to remember how you looked in high school.

DO an intensive workout before prom.

An ab workout will make you feel toned and a nice sweat will give you a natural, shimmery glow. No highlighter needed.

DO NOT buy a ticket if you know you can just sneak in.

There’s always a back door. If you’re spending so much on a dress you could save some cash here, it’s not like security won’t let you in.

DO invest in an expensive dress/tuxedo.

Just picture your one of a kind, tailored ball gown you can barely breathe in. I’m sure you’ll wear it again sometime.

And lastly, DO NOT prompose.

It’s just tacky and you don’t want the whole world to see when your potential date rejects you.