Artist Spotlight: Claire Bentley

Katherine Shen, Features Editor

How did you get started?

I was always drawing as a kid. I normally just used markers and paper. As for creative writing, I wrote my first short story when I was six. It was about a girl that wanted a bunny. In addition, both of my parents are artists. My mom is a graphic designer and my father is a photographer.


How did you learn/what is your training?

I just kind of do it and hope it turns out okay. I read a lot of books even though I couldn’t really understand them. I read Harry Potter as I was a first grader. I did creative writing for Gallery 37 after my freshmen year but I hated it.


What is your favorite thing about your passion/talent?

I like that there aren’t boundaries. But a lot of art can be bad and weird. You have to respect that artists are trying to reflect their ideas in their work. Even if art is bad, you have wonder why they do it. A lot of people put a lot of meaning into it. Even though people hype it up a lot, it is what it is.

When writing you can make up whatever you want. Most people don’t consider writing as a specific art, but it is and can be visual. It can be what you see.


Is there any place where we can see your work?

You can find my articles in the WY Beacon newspaper. You can find my artwork at SAIC next year.