Humans of WY: Mackenzie Cox ’16


Katherine Shen, Features Editor

Q: “What’s your most embarrassing moment?”

A: “I’m not easily embarrassed so I didn’t have one until a few weeks ago. I was getting on the train. You know how on most CTA trains when you turn by the door, there’s always two seats. I always sit in the seat next to wall because you can sleep there. My friend and I were getting on the train. Instinctively, I grabbed the pole and turned around to sit down, but I was on one of the older brown line trains, which don’t always have that seat there. So I sat down and there was no seat. I will felt myself falling, and I made eye contact with a man while falling. The whole train laughed at me. I made my friend come into my train car with me because I was very embarrassed. That’s all.”