Top five haunted houses this season

Sami Hart, Features Editor

As Halloween approaches, try these five haunted houses to satisfy your scary season needs.

1. Amhurts Asylum

This haunted house was ranked number one in 2013 and 2014. Stocked with 35 fully themed environments this haunted house is sure to scare. Although it is in Indiana, this house has been voted “worth the drive” and 50 percent of the people who walk through the house cannot take it and have to leave through one of the 36 early exit doors.

228 S 500 west, Valparaiso, Ind.

2.  Statesville Haunted Prison

Statesville Haunted Prison is known all over the Chicagoland area as being one of the scariest haunted houses. It is in an old jail house that was been abandoned until they remade it to hold the haunted house. The house contains old felon themed rooms like Hannibal the cannibal. You walk through all 30 dark maximum security cells that really give you the haunted prison feel.

1720 S Weber Rd. Cresthill, Ill.

3. 13th Floor Haunted House

This haunted house was ranked the best haunted house in Chicago. It takes you to the 13th floor and explains the legends of the unlucky floor. This has been a Chicago tradition for years and it is only short ride from school so you can get a group of friends together to go after school on Halloween Friday.

1940 George st. Melrose Park Ill.

4. Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare

This haunted house was made by the film maker Rob Zombie. His haunted houses are themed after his movies and as you can tell he is huge on Zombies. This haunted house is based off a Zombie attack and survival.

1033 N Villa Ave. Villa Park Ill.

5. The Fear: Haunted House at Navy Pier

Navy Pier has been doing haunted houses for the past couple of years but this year they took it to another level. With the help of Zombie Army Production they created an aggressive interactive haunted house. The theme this year is zombies so they put the entire haunted house on a water barge, to prevent zombie invasion. They even have actors scaring you as you wait in line. Navy Pier has really stepped it up a notch this year. *tip: the more scared you act , the more the actors will attack you in the line.