Do you like having unique new clothes while not spending lots of money? Do you care about the environment and want to reduce your footprint? Do you want to fight against the exploitation of sweatshop workers around the world? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should try thrifting!
Thrifting is shopping at thrift/resale stores, charity shops, garage sales, flea markets – all places where second hand clothing (and other items) are sold. Not only do these places let you find cool, one of a kind, sometimes vintage clothes for much cheaper prices, but they are much better sources ethically and environmentally. As Vanessa Lowder puts it, “thrifting allows me to expand my wardrobe affordably and sustainably. I love finding unique, pre-loved items and building bold looks with them.”
When you buy clothing second-hand, you are lessening the demand to produce new clothes, which takes a ton of resources and contributes to pollution. When you buy from a thrift store, you are reusing clothes that otherwise might have been thrown away. You are also fighting against fast fashion, an industry that mass produces cheap clothing, often through child labor, sweatshops, and letting people work under unethical, unsafe conditions. Every piece of clothing that is produced requires the use of toxic chemicals and dyes, which end up in our water, soil, and air. The more people that reuse clothes, the less new clothes need to be produced, which helps lower the fashion industry’s environmental footprint.
Because they aren’t trying to keep up with trends that quickly go out of style, thrift stores have a wide variety of styles with something for everyone. They are full of hidden gems, unique pieces, and cute vintage clothes. All of my favorite clothes I own were thrifted. For Andy Chilton, thrifting is more than just a way to fill his closet. He says, “I love the mystery behind every object. My favorite part of thrifting is imagining ‘who wore this sweater?’ ‘What places has this jacket been to?’” If you think you won’t find anything good at a store that sells used clothing, think again: as Andy says, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”!
Don’t know where to start? Here are some thrift stores you can try:
- Goodwill in West Loop (a 15 minute walk from school!): 1201 W Washington Blvd
- Unique in Bridgeport: 3000 S Halsted St
- Village Discount (multiple locations around the city)
- The Xchange in Lakeview: 2907 N Broadway St
- Buffalo Exchange in Wicker Park: 1478 N Milwaukee Ave
- Note: this one is a bit more pricey than the other ones on this list because a lot of their clothing is newer and/or designer clothing, but it is still cheaper than the original price and good quality
- The Brown Elephant – Andersonville: 5404 N Clark St, Lakeview: 3020 N Lincoln Ave
- Pilsen Vintage: 1430 W 18th St
- Crossroads – Wicker Park: 1519 N Milwaukee Ave, Lakeview: 2711 N Clark St
Pilsen, Wicker Park, and Lakeview have tons of others, but you can find thrift stores all over the city!
Try thrifting: help save our planet, one item at a time!