Bacon Review of Arts Bridge Rave: Ruinous but Rewarding

Photo Credits: Ellie Van Houten

Victoria Camuy, Staff Writer

Faced with low student morale, the Whitney Young administra- tion has come up with a solution: raves on the Arts Bridge. Though student-led events and concerts on the bridge have been popular, the administration determined that a more overt show of school spirit was necessary to live up to Whitney Young’s

traditional reputation as the “School of Champions.” Not only are the raves a good break for students from their classes, they create a sense of companionship amongst students that can only be created by listening to the won- derful stylings of electronic dance music. EDM artist Skrillex said, “I was lucky enough to be invited to perform at Whitney Young and it was the best artistic environment I have been in in a while, I’ll be back to work on my new album.” These raves increased morale for students and the administration was happy to continue finding popular artists to play – though CPS rules required that no refreshments be sold until 30 minutes after school. All was well until on a certain Wednesday the Senior class initiated the crack in structural support through their jumping – that’s one way to follow tradition. Like many issues across the school system, the crack was treated with a band aid solution – literally. The bridge was patched with bandaids from the school nurse’s office and the rave continued. Unfortunately this was not enough to hold the fragile structure together. Accompanied by the musical stylings of Charli XCX, the bridge collapsed cata- strophically, leaving 4 students injured from the fall and one from simply partying too hard.

The bridge is now shut down and students have complained about having to walk across the street in order to get to their classes. The school has enlisted the help of the engineering students to build a new one with the recycling they have been collecting. We are expected to have a new bridge in 2027! We will see raves recom- mence on the, severely under- rated, gym bride once the sound system has been moved.