Animal of the Week with Justin C: Poison Dart Frog

Animal of the Week with Justin C: Poison Dart Frog

Justin Carl Claudio, Staff Writer

Wonder how deadly the poison dart frog is? Most poison dart frogs aren’t dangerous to humans, though some are extremely dangerous to the touch. The poison dart frog is an amphibian and the common name of a group of frogs in the family Dendrobatidae, which are native to Central and South America. The world’s deadliest and most poisonous frog is “The Golden Poison Frog.” Should one sting you, your heart will stop within ten minutes. Worse yet, there is no known antidote.  

When it comes time to reproduce, all female poison dart frogs species carry 8 tadpoles on their back, one by one, up to the canopy to dive into pools of water that form in the flowers of bromeliads, a type of plant that grows on trees in the rain forest. These pools make the perfect shelter for their tadpoles. It also keeps them safe from other predators, including birds, lizards, spiders, snakes, and types of insects that eat tadpoles. The only natural predator of the poison dart frog is “fire-bellied snake” that is immune to poison.

Poison frogs are diurnal (daily or during the day) and often have brightly colored bodies. The frogs become toxic as when the mothers feed them poison unfertilized eggs. Their diets include mostly small insects such as ants and termites. Poison dart frogs can live up to between 10 to 15 years, the frog had to live to be twenty plus three years in captivity.   


Fun Facts

  • They use its brightly colored skin to warn predators that it is unfit to eat.
  • They like to eat poisonous ants and insects which makes them get more poisonous. 
  • There are more than 100 species of poison dart frogs.
  • The two-inch poison dart frogs had enough poison which could kill 20,000 mice or more than 10 people.