Quizlet To The Rescue


Annie Tan


Looking for a website to help ace your exam? Look no further because Quizlet is here to help you with any subject. Ranging from multiple different activities, quizlet is an easy way to memorize and organize notes for each class. Their activities include, flashcards, learn, write, spell, and test. If that’s too much for your brain, Quizlet also has two game options to help you. Whether you’re studying for your english quiz, memorizing vocab terms, or etc., Quizlet can help. The chances that someone around the world has already created a quizlet that fits your area of focus is super high.

Quizlet has impacted the lives of many in a positive way. Liliana Castro ‘22, states, “it’s pretty easy to use and it uses psychology tactics to help you memorize things so it works quickly.” Not only does the website use psychology tactics, but they also have multiple ways for people to learn without getting bored. Some users even say that Quizlet is a website that can make memorizing and learning fun. 

There are so many options to learn on quizlet, but what’s the best category? The answer depends on the persoN. Frequent Quizlet user, Jimena Saldana ‘22, notes, “The testing feature is always the most helpful one!” The testing option is a mixture of every other category prior to it. It has written questions, matching questions, multiple choice questions, and true/false questions. Not only does this student recommend Quizlet, but many people have put it on their top list of online tools. It is especially helpful during remote learning because everything is online.

Quizlet is easily accessible to the public. Arguably one of the best features is that it’s free! It can be used by anyone as long as they’ve signed up for an account. Not only do students use it, but teachers as well. It’s a website that many use to aid them in their studies. Fallou Dia ‘22, expresses, “it’s saved me more than once.” Quizlet can be accessed easily through a desktop or on mobile, which makes it such a popular website. It’s presence on both platforms have allowed people to study on the go or from the comfort of their own home. The possibilities Quizlet provides are endless.