Burning Up and Burnt Out October Edition

Burning Up

Headbands on guys-Guys wearing headbands is the new trend. Go get some headbands!!

Country music-With shows at Wrigley happening constantly, the country music scene has opened up to Chicago.

The Beacon website-Keeping students tuned in since ‘14.

iPhone 6-Bigger and better than ever.

College football-Following your school and their team is huge now that the NCAA season has begun.

Hockey-With NHL starting up all hockey fans are getting back into the swing of things.

Fantasy sports-Fantasy sports create a friendly rivalry among friends.

Flow-Guys, grow your hair out.

Birkenstocks-They look good with anything.

Chicago’s music scene-With bands and rappers from Chicago becoming big, Chicago’s music presence is burning up.

Halloween costumes-It’s never too early to start planning.

Common app-Am I right seniors?


Burnt out

Red house-Go blue house!

Iggy Azalea and Ariana Grande-No one cares about you guys any more.

ALS ice bucket challenge-It’s getting a little too cold to dump ice on your head.

The Cubs-Their season is over. Finally.

Facebook-It’s just vines now.

7 point grading scale-Thank god.

2048-No one cares about your high score anymore.

Edline-If it doesn’t say my grades I have no use for it.

Memes-Time to give up on them.

Freshman hazing-There’s really no point and it’s not worth getting suspended for.

Flappy bird-Again, no one cares about your high score.

Uggs-More like Uggly! Am I right!

Big framed glasses-Unfortunately, they don’t make your vision any better.