Homecoming- More Than a Pep Rally

Grace Silverstein

Every fall, Whitney Young holds an extravaganza of activities that celebrates its accomplishments, students and faculty, and champion nature. The homecoming game at Rockne Stadium, dance, spirit week, and the most anticipated- the beloved pep rally, all hype up the school for yet another great year at Whitney Young. Our Cheer team, Guys and Dolls Dance Company, and Poms Squad all come together to put on performances and showcase the talent that really embodies the spirit of Whitney Young.


At first glance, the spectators of these events don’t realize how much work actually goes into them. “We worked really hard to make sure we look good for the rest of the school. As spirit teams, it is our job to put on a show, so we put our blood, sweat, and tears into our performance,” said Jeya Price (‘19). Jeya is on Whitney Young’s cheer team. Her team and other performers have worked endlessly to ensure perfection is presented on the floor for the pep rally.


Along with performances, the pep rally wouldn’t be possible without Student Council. “I can tell you that no amount of caffeine, or days in advance, prepare you for the sheer amount of work that happens the day of. Balloon arches need to be made, seats moved and arranged, mascots managed and hydrated, etc. This all happens prior to the hoco pep rally,” Michaela Zollicoffer (‘20) explained when asked what StuCo does for this event. Regardless, students and staff do appreciate the work that goes into the pep rally, but not a lot of people think about how different people face disadvantages during it. The pep rally is one of the greatest events of the school year, yet a lot of things about it goes unnoticed. “Then, many of the board members elect to stand patiently for the duration of the event rather than sitting with their fellow friends and classmates,” Michaela exclaimed.


The excitement of that time of the school year along with the festivity of it is amplified, and Whitney Young dancers, Student Council, staff, and even Academic Center students are rarely considered when the pep rally occurs. “It looks like a lot of work and that is great, but it’s mainly geared toward the upperclassmen. Which is cool but, we still go to this school too,” Becky Chan (‘23). Whitney Young school spirit rises above any other school, but balloon arches and the fight song aren’t the only things this season should bring. Homecoming is a time for the school to come together and appreciate everyone that shares this spirit. As members of this amazing community, we should work to admire everything that goes into homecoming and embrace our school culture in unity.